Plumage like other crossbills; male red, female and juveniles green. Both sexes and all ages with two broad, white wing-bars, which distinguishes it from congeners. Nonetheless, the species is easily overlooked when in mixed flocks with other crossbills. Build slightly more slender and long-tailed than other crossbills. Often discovered through its contact call.
Sound:Contact call a "chep chep" similar to crossbill but softer, interspersed with characteristic, toy-trumpet call with redpoll-like timbre, but with a more flat intonation. Song more like redpoll than a crossbill, with rattling and chittering notes.
Wikipedia: map (se also Xeno-canto below)
Ecology:Birdlife ecology Latest observations
Image search Flickr NB! May give other species
CCSounds: Recorded by Patrick Åberg, ,CC license